Veterans Office

Albany Campus
Takena Hall, Room 117

Monday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 2:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm

In order to receive your VA or FTA benefits, you must submit an enrollment verification each term as well as meet satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requirements.


Enrollment Verification

You must submit an enrollment verification form every term you want to use VA or FTA education benefits. This applies to all students using veteran, in-service military, or military-connected benefits. If you do not submit an enrollment verification form we will assume that you do not want to use your benefits for the term. 

Things to consider:

Enrollment Verification Form

If you are a military-connected spouse or dependent student who is using the tuition waiver, you must also complete the application for that benefit every term. For more information please review the State of Oregon Tuition Waiver on the Starting Benefits page and access the application from there.

You are able to use GI Bill benefits while attending multiple schools. Most often, 博天堂官方 students will also enroll at Oregon State University.

OSU as Home School:
If you are seeking a degree from OSU and need to have courses at 博天堂官方 certified as the guest school, you will need to complete the Oregon State University Parent School Letter. You will login to DocuSign using your ONID credentials to fill out and sign your portion of the form.

博天堂官方 as Home School:
If 博天堂官方 is the school where you are seeking your degree, please contact us (see above).

Other Schools as Home School:
You will need to get your home school to send a Parent School Letter (PSL) to us. Please contact the veterans office at your home school to see about their process.

VA Federal GI Bill Benefits:

  • Only covers courses that apply directly toward your current major.
  • Course below the 100 level must be taken in person or as a hybrid course for the VA to cover.
  • Chapter 31 Exception: a VA counselor may approve courses outside of a student’s major if the course applies toward their employment goals.

In-Service Military Benefits:

  • Tuition assistance is different for every branch of the military. Make sure to check with your ESO regarding specific requirements.
  • Students using ArmyIgnitED must have an approved degree plan uploaded to their ArmyIgnitED account and should follow that plan.

As part of the certification process, the SCO reviews all enrollment verification forms to make sure that courses are covered by the education benefits a student is using.

When selecting courses for summer term, be aware that 博天堂官方 offers both ten-week and five-week courses. If you want to receive the full MHA for summer term, you must be enrolled full-time throughout the summer.

Number of Credits Course Length
Ten Weeks Five Weeks
12+ Full-time Full
11 Three-quarter Full
10 Three-quarter Full
9 Three-quarter Full
8 Half Full
7 Half Full
6 Half Full
5 Less than half Full
4 Less than half Three-quarter
3 Quarter Half
2 Quarter Less than half
1 Quarter Quarter



Academic Progress Requirements

We evaluate the progress of all students using VA, DoD Federal Tuition Assistance, or State of Oregon benefits at the end of each term.

Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) at 博天堂官方 is considered as completing 70% of enrolled courses with a GPA of 2.0 or higher.

For students using GI Bill benefits, the school certifying official is required to report any course that is not completed. This includes courses that receive a W grade and have a last date of attendance prior to the end of the term. This may result in debt with the VA or 博天堂官方.

For students using DoD military tuition assistance, specifically ArmyIgnitED, grades are entered into the ArmyIgnitED system for review by your ESO.

For students using State of Oregon benefits, not meeting academic standards may lead to a loss of the benefit, but grades are not reported.

Note: only students using GI Bill benefits who do not meet SAP will be contacted by us.

The GI Bill requires that students using these benefits must maintain satisfactory academic progress. According to the law, the VA will discontinue payments of educational assistance if the individual does not maintain SAP. Progress is considered unsatisfactory if the individual does not meet the regularly prescribed standards of the institution of higher learning they are attending.

In other words, in order to continue to receive benefits at 博天堂官方, students must maintain satisfactory academic standards, which include a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and a completion rate of 70%.

This only applies to students using GI Bill benefits and is a separate process from Financial Aid SAP or the academic probation and suspension process.


Veterans Office Academic Progress Process

Students using VA or FTA benefits who do not meet 博天堂官方’s academic standards will be notified by us via email.

Students can be in one of four statuses:

  • Good Standing: Student is meeting or exceeding academic standards
  • Warning: First term student has not met academic standards 
  • Probation: Second term student has not met academic standards
  • Suspension of Benefits: Third term student has not met academic standards

A student can appeal a Suspension of Benefits, which, if approved, the student is placed back in Probation status.

A student whose in Suspension of Benefits status can also elect to pay for a term out of pocket instead of using their benefits. If their academic status improves (they complete 100% of courses enrolled in for the term with a 2.0 term GPA) during the term not covered by benefits, then they can be shifted back to Probation status and their benefits may be applied retroactively. 

Warning (first term)

A student does not meet term GPA or cumulative GPA of 2.0 and/or does not complete 70% of courses for that term.

Email is sent to the student with resources for academic support. Benefits for following term are not impacted.

Returning to Good Status:
To clear a warning, the student must complete 100% of their enrolled courses the following term with a 2.0 GPA or better.

Probation (second term)

A student does not have a term GPA or Cumulative GPA of 2.0 and/or does not complete 70% of courses for that term for the second term. Or has not completed 70% of courses overall.

Email is sent to the student with resources for academic support. Benefits for following term are not impacted.

Returning to Good Status:
To move from probation back to warning, students must complete 100% of their enrolled the following term with a 2.0 GPA or better.

Suspension of Benefits (third term)

A student does not meet term GPA or cumulative GPA of 2.0 and/or does not complete 70% of courses for that term for a third term or has not completed 70% of courses overall.

Email is sent to the student with appeal information. Benefits for following term(s) are suspended.

Returning to Good Status:
Suspended students can complete an appeal (see below for more information) or attend a term without using benefits.

  • Once a student is notified that they are on suspension of VA benefits, they may complete an appeal packet. Completion of the appeal packet does not guarantee that your appeal will be approved.
  • The Veterans Office Suspension of VA Benefits Appeal Packet is different from the appeal packets required by Financial Aid or Academic Suspension.
  • A complete appeal packet must include:
    • Packet filled out entirely
      • Satisfactory academic progress information (complete with an academic advisor)
      • Student Success Plan & Resource Recommendations (Complete the Resource Recommendations with an academic advisor).
    • Appeal letter
    • Education plan in DegreeWorks
    • Appeals are reviewed by Veterans Office appeals committee and responded to within two weeks of receipt.

  • Page 1: Focuses on your information and what the packet includes
  • Page 2: Satisfactory Academic Progress information
    • Access your unofficial transcript. Review your cumulative GPA, earned hours, and attempted hours.
    • Enter this information on page two of the packet and calculate completion rate:
      • Earned hours at 博天堂官方 ÷ attempted hours at 博天堂官方 = completion rate
    • Enter the information gathered into the SAP Calculator
    • Using the calculator, determine your projected credits earned to get 70%, minimum credits to degree and maximum credits to 150%
    • Enter this information in the boxes on page two
  • Page 3: Student Success Plan & Resource Recommendations
    • Chart 1: Academic Obstacles. Consider obstacles you faced over previous term(s).
      • If your academic obstacles include mitigating circumstances, make sure you can provide documentation.
    • Chart 2: Resource Recommendations. Work on this section with your academic advisor. As an education plan in Degree Works is required with your appeal packet, you must meet with your academic advisor.
  • Page 4: Appeal Letter
    • Your appeal letter is made up of two sections of 250 words or fewer. Your letter should be addressed to the Veterans Office or To Whom it May Concern.
    • Section 1: Explanation
      • Your appeal is contending that extenuating or mitigating circumstances made it impossible for you to be successful.
      • Be aware; being overwhelmed is not an extenuating circumstance.
    • Per the VA, mitigating circumstances include:
      • Illness, injury, or death affecting the student or their immediate family
      • Unavoidable change in employment
      • Unavoidable employment related transfer
      • Financial obligations beyond student’s control
      • Unanticipated active military service
      • Unanticipated difficulties with child care
    • Section 2: Plan for Improvement
      • Include how you plan to use the resource recommendations you received from your academic advisor.
        • Appropriate documentation is required to support your statements.
        • Documentation that is submitted along with the appeal packet is kept on file at 博天堂官方 but is not sent to the VA. You may receive notification from the VA if they require documentation of mitigating circumstances as well. It is the responsibility of the student to send all documentation to the VA.
        • Appropriate documentation of extenuating circumstances includes:
          • Documentation from health care provider(s)
            • This includes (but is not limited to) documentation of visit and letters from medical professionals.
            • Health care provider(s) include counselors, social workers, and medical doctors.
          • Police reports
          • Death notices
            • This includes published obituary notices, death certificates, and documentation of funeral proceedings.
          • Court reports
        • Inappropriate documentation includes letters from family or friends.
  • If you are required to submit an appeal packet to receive your GI Bill benefits, you will be contacted via Watermark.